- lifechanging -
Yoga Teacher Training



practising yoga for over a decade and studying it since 2014. teaches as impressive +25 classes a week including hatha, vinyasa, power, yin and dharma style. she has studied under Sri Dharma Mittra for her 500 advanced training in 2018. also is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. regularly runs yin yoga workshops combining meridian theory.
her goal in her teaching is for students to build a deeper connection to self, compassion, resilience and patience. although her self practice and teaching is strong, she is a firm believer that yoga truly happens off the mat. being a helpful, mindful person of service is at the core of her beliefs and this is demonstrated throughout her being.

“a life changing yoga teacher training”

 become a Yoga Alliance internationally accredited yoga teacher with this 18 day intensive training, designed also to take you deep into your own practice and life. it has truly changed our lives and we can’t wait to share it with you. you will graduate from this program fully capable to teach a variety of classes suited for all walks of life. most importantly, we hope to help you discover, nourish and cultivate your own voice - as we believe every Being has a purpose and a powerful experience to share.

this 200 hour program is held with respect to the traditional hatha yoga and will immerse you in asana (movement), pranayama (breathing), kriyas (cleansing techniques), dhyana (concentration) and dharana (meditation).

D A T E & T I M E:
postponed due to COVID

L O C A T I O N:
Earthlinks SriLanka*

C O N T A C T: 
earthlinks | Leanne Gerich

I N V E S T M E N T: 
(incl.: Yoga Alliance Certificate, breakfast&dinner, all day juices and snacks, accommodation, Ayurveda treatment, vegan cooking workshop)

book your spot: €2,999

*small group with limited number of spots available, double and single rooms available on a first come first serve basis

YTT200 with Leanne Gerich

yoga philosophy
the history of yoga, understanding the different branches of yoga, important texts such as Upanishads, Bavaghad Gita,the Sutras, the Yoga Pradapika and more. Learning how to apply these principles in this modern age will be of high importance while studying the Self.

practice and techniques
mindfulness, meditation, pranayama, sanskrit, mantra, asana practice, kriyas and more. We will examine the importance of holistic nutrition in a non-dogmatic approach suitable for all Beings to find nourishment while practicing non-violence.

anatomy and physiology
injury prevention, alignment of Asanas, how the body works in each pose, the different body systems, the spine, connective tissue vs. Muscular work, important joint complexes and more.

teaching methodology
class planning, the yoga industry and the business of yoga, adjusting, cueing, how to adapt in a class, how to theme classes, how to become a safe yoga teacher, how to make yoga accessible to the public, mindful communication, and more.Again, this course will qualify you in becoming a yoga teacher for both a career in yoga and to develop your own practice of understanding Self. You will be able to confidently and safely teach yoga to many different walks of life.



07:00 group meditation
07:30 journaling
07:45 vinyasa practice
09:00 breakfast and free time
10:00 anatomy
11 :00 break


11 :15 teaching methodology
12:30 lunch and free time
14:00 philosophy
15:30 teaching + techniques
18:00 yin practice
19:00 dinner and free time


Mourna (silence and self-reflection) will be practised each morning until breakfast


whether you have fallen head over heals in love with your practice, or feel like it is time to dive deeper into the teachings of yoga, this program will both educate and inspire you.
we put a strong focus on yogic basics - both physical and non-physical. teaching and more importantly, living with compassion and integrity is at the forefront of this training.

this training is suitable for anyone looking also for a career as a yoga teacher, who wants to teach all levels and a variety of class style and work anywhere in the world.


techniques, training & practice (105 hours)
asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation and other traditional yoga techniques.
these hours are a mix between analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques, and guided practice of the techniques themselves.

yoga philosophy & ethics (30 hours)
study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts (such as the Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika or Bhagavad Gita), yoga lifestyle, such as the precept of non-violence (ahimsa), and the concepts of dharma and karma, chakra and Nadi theory, Ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher – student relationships and community

teaching methodology (25 hours)
to enhance a communication skills that help to strengthen a group dynamics, time management or setting priorities and boundaries. how to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting. principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting. teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, and the student learning process.
business aspects of teaching yoga (including marketing and legal).

anatomy (30 hours)
study of anatomy and physiology along with its application to yoga practice;
benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc..

practicum (20 hours)
final examination with peer observation, assistance and reviews

have you noticed?
our program exceeds YTT200 Yoga Alliance standards requirements on anatomy, training and practicum and still you can

book your EarlyBird spot

only students who intend to complete the program and receive the certificate should apply.
prior to this program, students must complete:

  • evaluation forms on 10 yoga classes practised prior to arrival of YTT (counted towards techniques and methodology)

  • 200 hour Anatomy for Yoga Trainings - to obtain certificate, must be purchased and completed before or during YTT

  • 5 written assignments on: (2) philosophy - book review and (3) methodology - online reading.

    more information about these books, resources and homework will be provided after booking to ensure completion before training.

Priority Reading List:

  • The Bhavagad Gita - Paul Mitchell

  • The Yamas and Niyamas - Deborah Adele

  • The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali

Extra Reading List:

  • The Peaceful Warrior

  • The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

  • Light on Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar

  • Light on Pranayama B.K.S. Iyengar

Please note that pricing includes the cost of the 200-hour teacher training with Leanne Gerich, as well as a 200-hour Yoga Alliance certification. It also includes food, and accommodation/lodging at Earthlinks, Ayurveda treatment and plant based cooking workshop. Students are required to stay on-site. There are a limited number of spots (16 ppl) and rooms are available on a first come first serve basis.

Check in to Earthlinks will occur on October 25th. The program begins on October 26th. The last program day is November 12th. Student check out is November 13th the latest.

If you have any additional questions regarding this event or just need to specify details of your stay, fill the contact form and let us cover all of your needs.